Na Fianna Dublin

Founded 1955

Co. Dublin

MetroLink update

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A chairde, you may have received correspondence or seen notices in national media that that the Railway Order application for the MetroLink project was submitted last Friday to an Bord Pleanála. This is a key milestone in this project and there will now be a period of consultation with stakeholders, including ourselves.

The Railway Order and accompanying documentation can be viewed at and at the offices of An Bord Pleanála, Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council, Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and the National Transport Authority (NTA) until Friday November 25th. We encourage you to take the time to view the plans if you can.

There will be an opportunity between October 7th and November 25th for people to make a submission (€50) in relation to the likely effects on the environment and any significant effects in the area.

We would like club members to know that we are engaged with TII and in constant conversation with them about MetroLink, BusConnects and their impact on club facilities and activity. We have always welcomed improvements to the area and spaces in which the club is active, and encourage our members to use active transport (walking, cycling) and public transport when involved in club activity. 

We will continue to keep our members updated as relevant news on this project becomes available.