Na Fianna Dublin

Founded 1955

Co. Dublin

Na Fianna makes club submission to the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028

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Did you know the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 is currently open for public consultation?

Na Fianna has made a submission to the Development plan specifically in relation to Theme 7 of the Pre-Draft Public Consultation Strategic Issues Paper: Green Infrastructure, Open Space, Recreation & Natural Heritage

In considering the question “How should the City facilitate the growing needs for sporting and recreational uses?, Na Fianna has outlined in its submission three priorities it wants Dublin City Council to focus on in the coming decade, namely:

  1. The protection of existing city recreational spaces and facilities. Recognising societal changes and the withdrawal of religious orders in particular, the sale of recreational spaces for development must stop immediately.
  2. The creation of new spaces and facilities in which city residents can engage in sport and recreation. New spaces should be developed with maximum utilisation in mind - all weather surfaces, lights and coordinated usage to “sweat the asset” and ensure as many city residents as possible can benefit from such community facilities.
  3. The prioritisation of support for and investment in sporting participation.

In our submission we outline how we think Dublin City Council, in the context of its City Development Plan, could really make an impact in these three areas, connecting people to their communities and enabling healthier, stronger and more active lives for all city residents.

We would urge all members to read our brief submission here - - and if you can, use the information within to make your own personal submission to the City Development Plan. Submissions can be made until 4.30pm on Monday next, February 22nd, 2021.